
7 Hottest Biden Trends For 2023


He's definitely reaching for a pair of big ones

Justin Trudeau Debate Strategy: Call Poilievre a Racist

Speaking from the Liberal caucus retreat, Trudeau congratulated Pierre on his leadership victory - but warned about the kind of leadership Canada needs.

"We all need to work together. Now is not the time for politicians, other than me, to exploit a crisis through fear and division, pitting people against one another. We need responsible leadership. That's why I'm gonna call Pierre a big, fat racist. Right in his chipmunk-looking face. Honestly, he doesn't have the beautiful quaffed hair to lead." Trudeau said.

Tomahawk Liz Gearing up for Ukraine

After a grueling 8 week combat training course offered by her local tribe, Elizabeth Warren claims to be "ready for action" in the battle for a peaceful Ukraine. Upon hearing the news, President Biden offered the following remarks: "All men and women are created, by the, you know, you know, the thing"

What would Marx say about Heinz Beans?

The label claims Heinz Tomato Beans are 'rich' in tomato sauce. But being 'rich' is for the patricians, not the proletariat. In todays modern age, how can your average prole ever hope to own the beans of production?